Benefit from informed decision-making and improve efficiencies with bI
What is business intelligence?
We will tell you all about Intuitive Business Intelligence further down in the article, however firstly lets begin with Business Intelligence (BI) as a whole. This refers to the processes, technologies, and tools that a business can use to gather data. The goal of BI is to transform raw data into insights that can be used in strategic or tactical business decisions. It is used across various industries and departments, including finance, marketing, sales, operations, and human resources. It helps organisations gain insights into their performance, customer behaviour, market trends, and competitive landscape, ultimately driving more informed and strategic decision-making.

What is Intuitive Business Intelligence?
This is a data visualisation tool that enabled businesses to see print data, HR data and finance data in easy to digest, tailored dashboards.
Could your business benefit from Intuitive BI?
Ask yourself this… Do you want to reduce business costs? Keep an eye on your carbon footprint? Take away time consuming admin tasks? With Intuitive BI you can do just that.
How does Intuitive BI work?
Alongside leading print management software, the addition of intuitive BI (business intelligence) can help businesses to manage and streamline printing throughout the organisation.
With the use of handy dashboards, that contain data specifically tailored to each user it means that you can log on and see the information you need, whether that be a summary of print usage for high level management to cast their eye over or a more detailed breakdown showing print trends within the organisation that facilitates or IT teams can look at.
These dashboards are a great way to determine where print demand is coming from within the business and analyse print by user, team, application, location, and device. Meaning that you can pinpoint exactly who is printing and what they are printing. Therefore, enabling you to streamline processes and look at how this could be improved. For example, if it is evident that the HR department are printing out a lot of colour documents, you can find out why this is happening and see if it is necessary.
How can Intuitive BI streamline my printing processes?
The use of Intuitive BI highlights who is printing the most and where, meaning that you can begin to look at your business processes and ask yourself:
- Do all these documents need printing & scanning?
Do we need additional printers?
- Do we need to reduce the number of printers we have?
Do we need a digitalisation plan?
Following on from this, gaining a better understanding of your print usage can educate employees on the environmental impact of printing. By seeing the amount that is printing in front of you on an easy-to-read dashboard, it highlights the impact that your business is having on the environment which in turn can enable you to think before you print.
In addition to this, automated reporting means that the information contained within the dashboards can easily be exported taking away timely and mundane admin tasks.
How has intuitive BI helped our customers?
With the use of Intuitive BI a DNS customer was able to identify a high-volume scanning department, even though their print volumes were low, their scan usage was very high. This meant that there was need for additional hardware within the business, ensuring that business processes within the office are as streamlined and structured as possible.
Could your business benefit from gaining an insight into its printing habits? Get in touch with the DNS Team today.